Writing a novel is all fun and games until it's time to edit your work. You don't need to be told the importance of hiring a book editing professional to get fresh eyes on your manuscript. This isn't always feasible because of factors such as cost and editor availability.
That's why I created my FREE self edit checklist to help writers with the editing process.
Edit your book with confidence using the same checklist I use when completing a developmental edit for my clients. These editing techniques will help you pick up on inconsistencies that you might have missed and help you work objectively while you read your story.
You Can Edit Your Own Book Using the Self Edit Checklist
Check out my Self Editing Checklist to edit your own book with tips from a Developmental Editor
Once you've finished writing your frst draft, it's time to move on to revising. This checklist is also a great step towards analyzing your character development, the world you've created within your story, and ensuring the theme of your novel is consistent throughout. Even if you plan to hire a professional book editor, this resource is one of the best ways to prepare your novel to work with a hired professional. It's going to help you spot little mistakes and refine your writing process. I recommend completing at least one round of editing before you hire a professional editor. New writers can use this checklist while writing a first draft or editing a second draft to ensure their book will resonate with readers.
Self-editing is a crucial step in the publishing process for every writer, but particularly for those who plan to self-publish. Not every author can afford to pay for multiple stages of editing and use beta readers to close some of this gap. You could also book manuscript evaluation services as an alternative to hiring an editor.
Every author will have to do at least some self-editing before their book is ready to publish. In a major publishing house, your novel undergoes multiple rounds of revision in order to preparing the manuscript for readers. You'll want to edit your novel before you send it to an agent or publisher to make your story as close to a finished product as possible.
By using this resource, publishing a book will be even easier and your editing process will bring you confidence that you are making the best choices for your manuscript!
Edit your Novel
Edit your Novel
Edit your Book with Confidence!
Whether you're self-publishing your book or doing a self-edit in preparations for traditional publishing, this resource is for you!